Longing for normality and remembering this great summer getaway back in 2018. We stayed at this inn right in the heart of the old city.
Sketch with blocked in shading
Original Photo (Can you find Joe?) |
Watercolour sketch and blocking, thumbnail |
Finished Thumbnail (4x6 in) |
I always fall in love with the unfinished sketch or the first wash! Maybe I find it hard to finish paintings in general. Maybe unfinished paintings just have more potential. Maybe it has to do with the struggle to let go of fussiness and detail and control, which seems to be unavoidable in finishing the pieces.
Working out the composition and a plan of attack for handling contrast of light and shadow should help a lot. Watercolour can be so spontaneous, but perversely, it also requires some forethought. Reserved whites, for example.
There were soooo many great artists there, right in that district. Quebecqois love their art and music.