So what has this exercise taught me?
Firstly, when painting the same image multiple times in the past, I quickly got bored with the subject. Not this time- the interpretation had to change a little for each medium. The watercolour is cute but a little fussy, in my view. I really liked the acrylic for its lively unapologetic brushwork. The gouache let me block things in like with acrylic, but maybe with a tiny bit of finesse, due to how well it thins down in water. Detail is much more possible, as are fine textures, because it is layered and opaque. Mistakes can be adjusted, dry brush works well, and it dried so quickly it could be finished in one session .
Today I got POSCA markers, which are like gouache in a marker, and work on multiple surfaces. Boy, things have come a long way. Even brushes evolve and improve as they develop synthetic and blended synthetic fibres. I love trying new stuff.