Thursday, April 28, 2022


 This got entirely stalled whilst I scribbled with pen and ink. There is always some fear holding me back, and daily prompts from pen and ink challenge have helped a little. I did get a pen repaired and have fallen into daily use with it, as it is such a joy to draw line with.

The background colours were a little too dark, in retrospect. Still, carving shapes out has been somewhat successful. I love the image unfinished, and this is making me stall. I don’t understand why I worry so about blowing the job, since things do, for the most part, turn out! 

I am also documenting process with video on this one. It will generate a story on Instagram.

The soaked paper was used wet with flowing colour dropped in.

The colours were mapped out on a strip to help me recall them; Lemon Yellow, Pthalo Blue, and Transparent Iron Oxide which is used below to carve out the yellow blooms.

Monday, April 18, 2022


 We all got Covid at my house! I can draw and paint but for some reason anything practical I do is overwhelming. Daily drawing lately has been an anchor in these strange times. The prompts this spring are all earth-related. It’s a great way to fill a sketchbook, and I won a prize from a Pen-focused Instagram Contest!

I find the idea pops into my head, and sometimes then I do a bit of research. I can credit other Instagrammers for their inspired photography, and challenge myself to push my comfort zone with media and techniques, and composition. The original inspiration nearly always sees me through, which is encouraging. These are posted, so they actually get COMPLETED, which I often have a problem with. I try to limit the pencil and fussiness, finding the best means to the end. I try to economize clean, confident  line and simplified colour palette. The only stage I don’t enjoy is the procrastinating!

Today the prompt was “moths”, and I got Procreate to give me the symmetry and background. The result is a digital file. Should I print the result and glue it into the sketchbook? Maybe. I’d like more commentary in imy sketchbooks too, like Liz Steel. My skills in Procreate are pretty rusty.

All in Noodlers Walnut with just a touch of black.

Vintage Nurses Pen from Fifteenpens

Background studies