Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Pastel of an old photo

I worried about the placement of the figures as the composition needed to be off-centre. Photos can have their focal point dead-centre and it works, but that won't necessarily be true for a painting. I used a Derwent scale tool to get it from the photo, which I had framed years ago.
Funny how a little photo can be so out of focus and lacking in detail, but be so loaded in meaning that my mind fills it all in spontaneously, on sight. Still I squint at it from time to time. It's as if I could enter that photo and go on this adventure with them!
The pastels I'm using don't feel soft enough at times... and maybe the underpainting was too keyed-in to the surface colours. I think I can do better with this one.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

An old photo

We won a pocket film camera in a lottery but before long things went digital. The photo was taken on a cold day when my daughter was three. Grandad and our dog are with her. It looked like an adventure. The photo has an eerie, misty glow, probably the cold on the lense that day. This lousy photo that I love so much would make a nice pastel.